Monday, September 22, 2008

The Doggles

I have to catch up on my blog here. There have been so many fun things going on. However, I wanted to show a pic of my constant companion, The Doggles. I love this picture of her too. I took it of her this summer in Sedona, AZ and she had a blast, she is a great hiker on the red rocks. More pics to come soon!

Much love, xoxo-pm


Brimful Curiosities said...

Looks like a sweet doggie. All we have are cats.

Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff... said...

What a sweet looking lovely girl you have there!!
We live our extreme life with 3 dogs, 1 cat, a Quaker Parrot and 34 fish!! All resuce pets!!
Our four kiddo's are grown and I have hot flashes that feel like lightening stiking inside of me body, lol.
I'm now a follower. It's less pressure than being a leader, no???

Steady On
Reggie Girl