Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DH asked me to go shopping! woohoo

Seriously you could have knocked me over with a feather... heehee. However, Mr. PM just moved into new offices and frankly his office furniture looked pretty sad compared to his business partners. He is not one to be fussy about such things but one of the other executives was going on about how ugly the sofa is in Mr. PM's office. I have made this same statement for the past 6 years to no avail.

However, today I stopped over to take a look at the new place and there it was standing out like a sore thumb. I asked Mr. PM why he couldn't see how truly awful the sofa was and he had some emotional attachment to it which was rather funny coming from him. However, I convinced him that it was really awful and he needed to get something new in there. Although I say "no" to a sofa b/c only 2 people are going to sit on it.. who wants to be the third person sitting THAT close to a co-worker, heehee. So I have convinced him to get four cozy chairs and a couple of small side tables that can all be moved around. He really liked the idea. So off to shopping I go! YAY!

Much love, xoxo-pm

Founder of Posh Mama Online Magazine

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